Monday, November 1, 2010

Conference Here, Conference There

Get out your passports, cash in your frequent flier miles and join some of the leading figures in LPO from law firms and corporates.

The Conference There:
I have the pleasure of speaking at the inaugural Global LPO Conference in Nodia, India November 13th-14th.

I will be speaking on how vendors can tailor their approach to law firms whereby engaging firms’ expectations and developing compelling differentiators. As a sneak preview, the points I’ll be hitting include:
• How selling to law firms is different than anything that you’ve ever done before
• The top 5 barriers and misconceptions to overcome
• The 6 primary areas law firm clients really key on
• How the dynamic changes in the LPO market impact how you sell and what you can do going forward

The Conference Here:
I will also have the privilege to speak on a panel at the upcoming Controlling Legal Costs conference in New York City December 8th-9th.

The panel will feature several prominent general counsel detailing their work with LPO, either directly or through their respective law firms. More information is available here. Additional details are coming shortly.

Both conferences look to be very engaging – and both have my recommendation. Conferences are typically a great way to keep your finger on the pulse of the industry. Hope to see you out and about, either here or there…