The Ten For 2010: Top Ten Trends in Legal Outsourcing released last week was recently picked up by the ABA Journal and was one of the top 10 most read articles for the week.
What seems to have caught the interest of many US legal professionals is the idea of the increasingly attractive career path for outsourced legal services. Global-minded and entrepreneurial legal professionals are finding the legal outsourcing sector an attractive alternative to the big law lifestyle. This is not a major portion of the legal workforce, but it is an emerging demographic that we see growing further in the coming year.
An interesting dialogue was also started on the message board below the article. While we do not find that all issues raised in the discussion are of merit, they are still issues and opinions that need to be addressed when engaging in outsourced legal solutions. Some posts to check out include: 21, 22, 27, 36 and 37.