A recent blog post by general counsel legal consultant Rees Morrison outlines an insightful definition of “process” in legal process outsourcing.
The original reference was a quote by the general counsel of GenPact featured in the European Lawyer Issue 92, Jan. 2010. Per Morrison’s post and the European Lawyer regarding the definition of process when delivering legal services, “[t]here needs to be a process, it should be routine and people should be able to use a set of rules and guidelines in dealing with the work.”
We certainly agree that outsourcing legal services should not be delivered in the same manner as legal work performed by domestically qualified legal professionals.
Ensuring appropriate amount of structure or “process” surrounding a legal outsourcing engagement allows the firm to leverage economies of scale as well as ensure adherence to appropriate ethical standards when sourcing to non-domestically qualified personnel.
Furthermore, only leveraging labor arbitrage without the help of a supporting process is often unsustainable and leaves a significant amount of value on the table for the contracting law firm or general counsel.